How do we make sense of the endless stream of information we consume in the internet age, and not get lost in the process?
Produce a piece of communication that interrogates the potential or the perils that emerge with our growing dependence on The Internet.
What do you want to say about Internet Culture? Are you excited by the potential of the Internet... the ability to connect, operate across time zones and have boundless access to information at the swipe of a thumb. Are we, the digital consumers adapting how we think because of infinite scroll?... Do we need to slow down and reconnect with the physical rather than the virtual? How do we promote better digital well-being? Do you want to re-imagine an alternative Internet?
‘The internet is now more potent than ever. It has not only sparked but fully captured the imagination, attention and productivity of more people than at any other point before. Never before have more people been dependent on, embedded into, surveilled by, and exploited by the web. It seems overwhelming, bedazzling and without immediate alternative.’ Hito Steyerl, Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?